Introduction: The Silent Business Killer – Low Value Tasks 

Every small business owner in America knows the hustle. The late nights, the early mornings, the constant juggling of tasks. But what if I told you that some of these tasks are silently eating away at your business’s potential? Enter the world of “low value tasks”. These seemingly harmless activities can be the very reason your business isn’t soaring to new heights.


Understanding the Basics: What Are Low Value Tasks?

These tasks are necessary activities but don’t always contribute to the central objectives of your business. They might use up valuable time without giving much in return. On the other hand, high value tasks drive your business growth, generate revenue, and are closely aligned with your primary goals.


Examples of Low Value Tasks:

  • Sorting through emails
  • Basic data entry
  • Scheduling social media posts
  • Routine administrative work
  • Regular maintenance of office equipment


Examples of High Value Tasks:

  • Strategic planning and decision-making
  • Building client relationships
  • Product development or service enhancement
  • Marketing and sales initiatives
  • Employee training and development


The Hidden Toll: The Impact of Over-Focusing on the Minor

When small business owners in America immerse themselves in low value tasks, they divert their attention from activities that can propel their business forward. Here’s the catch: every hour spent on it is an hour not spent on a high value one. This shift in focus can lead to:

  1. Stunted Growth: Without attention to growth strategies, businesses plateau.
  2. Decreased Efficiency: Time is money. Wasted time means wasted potential.
  3. Burnout: Juggling too many tasks can lead to exhaustion, affecting decision-making.


Time Doctor found that 80% of the total time worked is spend on doing tasks with little to no value [1]. Other research shows that knowledge workers spend around 41% of their time on things that should be delegated. [2] And another survey reported that only 30% of business owners claim that they spend more time working on high-value than on low-value work. [3]

However what we found when working with clients is that many business owners don’t even really know what high vs. low value work actually is. Many have a big misconception about how much time they spend on which types of activities until it is tracked.


Redefining Priorities: What to Do with Low Value Tasks

So, you’ve identified the low value tasks in your business. Now what? Here are some transformative solutions:

  1. Outsource: Consider hiring virtual assistants or specialized agencies.
  2. Automate: Use software solutions to handle repetitive tasks.
  3. Delegate: Train your team to handle these tasks, freeing up your time.
  4. Eliminate: Some tasks might be unnecessary. Regularly review and prune them.
  5. Batch Process: Group similar tasks and tackle them in dedicated time slots.


Conclusion: Elevate Your Business by Shifting Focus

America’s small business landscape is competitive. To stand out, it’s crucial to prioritize high value tasks that align with your vision. By addressing this dilemma, you’re not just optimizing your time; you’re unlocking a world of growth and potential.

Remember, it’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter. And sometimes, that means letting go of the small stuff to grasp the bigger picture.



[1] Time Doctor, 13 crucial time management statistics for business owners:

[2] Entrepreneur, ow Low-Value Work Is Hurting Your Bottom Line:

[3] primepay, How Much Time Are You Wasting on Back-End Tasks?,

Discover how to steer clear of the pitfalls posed by low value tasks. Schedule your free 15-minute Strategy Call  today and elevate your business game.